Borrowing (porcupining) the idea from Chris Mayoh, I thought it would be useful to highlight some of my plans for the BETT exhibition. I have a number of presentations and these tend to be for companies I have worked with in the past few years. So I thought I would share my plans so far. I do need to look at the seminars and theatres and plan some of those in somehow too!



11:30am – 12:00 (Google)

Francesca, Issy and Emma will be presenting on the Google stand looking at how they have used Google Sites in the classroom. We will be sharing a few ideas of how to get started and showing just how easy it is to create a website in minutes. Google Sites is a great tool for sharing information that the children have learnt on a particular topic and they are extremely easy to use.

1:30 – 2:00pm (Stone Computers)

Emma, Emily and Lottie will be on the Stone Computers stand (info here) sharing their thoughts on what it is like to be a Digital Leader and they will also be talking about our school blogs. This includes examples of children who have now got their own blogs for sharing their own ideas too. Our school blogs have had 600,000 views in two years and I’ll be giving a bit of an insight into what we use the blogs for and how they have helped our school. For info: This talk will be followed by Chris Mayoh discussing his Digital Leaders, which will be well worth sticking around for.

2:30 – 3:00pm (2Simple)

Henry and I will be looking at how we have been using 2Do It Yourself to create platform games. This will include designing our own characters, planning the game and then editing the code to change the game dynamics. The children learn and use a whole range of skills when creating these simple games and we will give a demonstration of that.

When not presenting, we’ll be wandering around and enjoying ourselves!

Thursday – Not attending, back in school for the day!



10:00am – 12:00 BrainPOP

Along with my wife we will be on and around the BrainPOP stand showing just how amazing BrainPOP is and how it can help with a range of topic areas in your classroom. We’ll be the ones in the black t-shirts 🙂

1:30 – 2:00pm (Stone Computers)

Similar to the presentation for Rising Stars later on today, this will be another quickfire look at free web tools to get teachers using the web in their classrooms. This will include tools to help with animation, research and art.

2:30 – 3:30pm (2Simple)

I will start with a presentation looking at the impact Purple Mash can have in your classroom. I will then be around to answers questions and to help share some of the great ways in which we have used 2Simple’s tools in our school.

15:30 – 16:00pm (Rising Stars)

This will be a presentation sharing a range of free online tools to help with ICT in the classroom. This will include tools to help with presentations, ebook design and photography. These are quick and easy tools that can be learnt in seconds and then applied into your curriculum with ease.  There will also be a chance to purchase copies of my book, Essentials: ICT and get it signed too.

6:30 – 9:30pm

I’ll be heading to the Teachmeet to see what wonderful stories and ideas people are sharing this year.

When not presenting, I’ll probably be on the BrainPOP  stand 🙂


11:30am – 12:00 (Rising Stars)

This will be a presentation sharing a range of free online tools to help with ICT in the classroom.  These are quick and easy tools that can be learnt in seconds and then applied into your curriculum with ease.  There will also be a chance to purchase copies of my book, Essentials: ICT and get it signed too.

2:00 – 3:00pm (2Simple)

Another talk and demonstration of Purple Mash talking about how we have used this in our school. There will be time for questions too.