I have been talking to schools about blogging recently. We have a blog in our VLE and this is good, but this is all hidden away within the VLE. There are huge benefits to this, it is much more secure and safer, but writing for an audience demands an audience.
Recently I have been showing examples of blogs to people that are out in the wider world and visible by anyone. So how do you do it? Where do you start? Why do you bother?
I use WordPress and it is very simple to use. I know a few schools have started to blog and write a few posts, but how do you get it going? Some schools have asked if I had a ‘how-to’ guide to get them going, so here it is.
– This URL seems to be broken and I can’t find the original file 🙁
Here is a video instead: http://www.undertenminutes.com/?p=56
I hope it’s useful, feel free to share it with as many people as you like and send comments through if you think I need to add or change anything.
The wordpress guide isn’t available.
Do you have another link?
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