Creating Logins

It’s that time of year again. It’s time to get the CSVs from the office staff and to create usernames for various different online tools that we use. This is the 2016 update of this post that is now five years old. Having just re-read the post, it is...

ICT in my school Part 1

I have been at my school for just over a year and have been responsible for the ICT since February. I have had a number of schools and teachers ask questions about our approach with chromebooks and tablets so I thought it best to document what we have been doing so...

A Tender Process

I have recently taken over as ICT Leader at Riders and this is the third time, in my third school, that I have held this role. Each time there has been investment in hardware, but this has been done in very different ways. I was tweeting a few people about a recent...