by Ian Addison | Aug 13, 2010 | blogposts, General Thoughts, UKEdchat
As posted yesterday, this week’s UKedchat looked at ways to engage with parents. The discussion was even better than expected with loads of people joining in to share their ideas, concerns and strategies with the masses. We even extended the discussion by...
by Ian Addison | Aug 12, 2010 | blogposts, General Thoughts, UKEdchat
Tonight sees a change to the usual #ukedchat. Usually there is a vote and we try to decide which topic is most worthy of discussion. But this week I’m in charge, so no vote this time. Last time I moderated, I suggested parental engagement as a topic but it...
by Ian Addison | Jul 1, 2010 | blogposts, General Thoughts, UKEdchat
So what did you do this evening? Did you have a stimulating chat about education? Or did you watch some mind-numbing nonsense on TV? There’s a need for both of course, but let me tell you about the my evening. Something new started last week. Well, it kinda...