It’s nearly that time of year again. We all start looking back at the past and start looking forward to a new start. Last year, Chris Ratcliffe, Bill Lord and a couple of others joined me in a challenge where we weighed ourselves each week and posted the results online in a google form. This is sort of semi-private and not open to the world.We all did OK for a while, but I lost it a bit and I know Chris gave up/struggled after the Great South Run too. So we’re trying again. We jokingly called it a Weight Loss Challengey Thing…this is a bit long for a hashtag so we’re going with #wlct instead.
The idea is that if you share your weightloss with others, you are more likely to stick to the healthy eating/gym/wii fit. Especially as the others will praise you for doing well and (slightly) rib you for being rubbish.
When I asked Chris if he wanted to try again this year, others jumped in and wanted to join too, so if you want to join, send me your email address (mine is and I’ll add you to the sheet. This should be the email you use for Google Docs. Once in, add your name to a column and a target to the bottom.
We’ll start next week when school starts as I find it really hard to stay good when there is chocolate and crisps in every cupboard in my house. This time next year I hope to have gone from just under 15stone down to 13. With others helping, I might get there. Or I’ll be writing this same blog post next year!!
I have done this with some friends in the past. Interesting to see if PLN via twitter makes a difference. I suspect it might. You could find yourselfs just the tip of a big post holiday thin a thon.
I shall be there routing for you!
I wish you all the best of luck!
thanks for it, gonna try this