I am currently involved in a number of projects and initiatives within my school and beyond. I thought it would be useful to give a bit more information on them should you wish to find it. I have also included Twitter accounts and hashtags if necessary.
Current projects…
A New ICT Curriculum – www.ictplanning.co.uk
My biggest job at school is to re-write and re-plan the ICT curriculum so that it is up-to-date and relevant for the children. This includes using Web 2.0 technology, staying safe and giving them the opportunities to be creators as well as consumers. It is a huge job, I want to give teachers the chance to use a variety of tools that are available and to know how to use them. This will be through guides and videos. I hope to have something in place by January 2011. I wrote a blog post about my plans here.
Under Ten Minutes – @undertenminutes
There are a few video sites around that show you how to use certain pieces of technology. I wanted a site that showed me the basics quickly. So I made one. The site is setup as a blog so comments are allowed and anyone can email me to get access to it and upload their own video should they wish. The site is www.undertenminutes.com
I like blogging, I have a blog (it’s here and you are reading it now), but from September 2010 I started blogging at St John’s. We installed WordPress MU and we set up a blog per class and a few others for things like after-school clubs, our outdoor curriculum and sports teams. My blog posts about the process can be found here. Unfortunately, the blogs have since been deactivated. My new school blogs can be found at www.ridersblogs.co.uk
Past Projects…
Teachmeet Hampshire #tmhants
I have created a site (www.teachmeethants.co.uk) to share the Teachmeets that are happening throughout Hampshire. This is to ensure that local teachers are kept informed of the different events that they can attend. If you have an event, feel free to send it through.
Hampshire Better Learning using Technology #hantsblt @hampshireblt
I have helped to setup the website for the network. This is so that teachers throughout Hampshire can share ideas and resources. To get involved, just drop me a line.
UKEdChat – #ukedchat @ukedchat
This is a weekly chat that is held each Thursday from 8pm on Twitter. I have been a guest moderator which means I have occasionally helped to choose the topics that are discussed. I wrote a blog post about the process here. Other posts can be found here.
Teacher’s Pet Blog – @teacherspetuk
I was one of a number of writers who wrote weekly blog posts for Teacher’s Pet. This is an online resource website that started sharing blog posts in May 2011. I was a blogger for them until July 2011. My posts can be found here: blog.tpet.co.uk/posts/ian/
I love Google Maps and have been involved with making a couple of different maps for use by teachers and within school. These include maps of and a The map of teachers is useful if you want to find others near to you. There is also the made by giraffe class that you might find useful.
Vital ICT – #vitalcpd
Until July 2011 I was one of two Primary ICT Champions for Vital ICT. Between us we were responsible for the Primary ICT area on the Vital website, www.bit.ly/vitalict and we also hosted weekly chats to discuss ICT issues with others. Find out more here.