Top 5 Posts of 2012

Before writing a review of 2012, which will take a bit of thought, I thought I would share the top 5 posts on this blog throughout the whole of 2012. What this top 5 does show is that all of these posts are over a year old (the BETT one is 4 days from its first...

Digital Leader Badges

As you may have noticed, lots of schools have started getting children involved in the training of staff and in the day-to-day workings of ICT throughout the school. We have a group of children called Digital Leaders and I know many other schools do too. We have...

Digital Leaders (mk2)

I wrote before (here in fact) about my digital leader project. I originally chose 12 children and then gave them jobs etc, some stuck to their jobs and blogged loads and some got bored and wanted to go out and play football. So I am starting again. It is such a great...

My Inset Morning

Today we had a teacher training day and the morning was given up to ICT. My plan was to show staff our ICT vision, how to use Google Apps and then give them time to play. My worry is that teachers never get play time and that they are expected to use new equipment,...

Digital Leaders – 2weeks in

I wrote about my plans for my Digital Leaders a few weeks back and I know some people would like an update as they are trying a similar project, so here goes… A digital leader is a child in my school. They are not just Year 6, we have a couple of Year 3 children...