by Ian Addison | Dec 28, 2012 | blogposts, General Thoughts
Before writing a review of 2012, which will take a bit of thought, I thought I would share the top 5 posts on this blog throughout the whole of 2012. What this top 5 does show is that all of these posts are over a year old (the BETT one is 4 days from its first...
by Ian Addison | Oct 9, 2011 | blogposts, Useful Sites/Software
I wrote a few months ago about Manga High now that it was free and I thought I’d follow it up now that we have been using it for a bit. The last blog post was written just after the free launch and I have to say, prior to this I had never really looked at the...
by Ian Addison | May 4, 2011 | blogposts, General Thoughts
This is a bit of an odd post, I’ve been asked to write it but then I am still only doing it because I think it could be a good resource. Manga High ( is now free. I’m not sure what the catch is, but I have just registered 200 children...