by Ian Addison | Feb 5, 2019 | General Thoughts
Over the weekend, I saw this blog post from James Durran. It talks about a change in focus from planning success criteria for writing so go read that and then come back here to see what I have done. It’s ok, I’ll wait. Done? Good....
by Ian Addison | Sep 2, 2011 | blogposts, ICT Co-ordinator Stuff, ICT Planning
I’ve wanted to write this blog post for weeks but part of me is petrified of what people will think. I feel like I need to justify some of it, so here goes… In my school, ICT has been a stand-alone subject and I want to integrate it more into the...
by Ian Addison | Jun 1, 2011 | blogposts, ICT Planning
I have written a couple of time (here for example) about the ICT curriculum. It is a difficult subject and the more I speak to teachers the more I am thinking about what I want to do and what needs to be done. In my school I want a cutting-edge curriculum with website...
by Ian Addison | Aug 10, 2010 | blogposts, General Thoughts, ICT Co-ordinator Stuff
One of my jobs this summer is to re-plan the ICT curriculum at my new school. This wasn’t a job I was given, but one I asked to do instead. It might sound crazy asking for more work, but I felt it would be better to have an overall view of ICT across the school...
by Ian Addison | Jun 22, 2010 | blogposts, General Thoughts
Sorry for the delay, there have been a few other blog posts that have taken precedence this week and still a few more that have been put on hold! Anyways, what are you? An innie or an outie? You can be a bit of both if you like, let me explain. I love Teachmeet,...