by Ian Addison | Nov 1, 2014 | Blogging, blogposts
There is an old post where I listed the plugins that we use on our school blog to keep it ticking over and after a few emails with different people recently, and considering it has been three years since that post, I thought I should update it. At school, our blog...
by Ian Addison | Nov 3, 2012 | Blogging, blogposts
This term we have really been going for it with our blogs and one comment that kept coming up was that it was hard to find the “log-in” link on the site. We have our school blog ( and we also have a number of class blogs too. Each...
by Ian Addison | Sep 2, 2011 | Blogging, blogposts
Just a short post today. I am often asked which plugins we have on our school blog to help it run and to manage it so I have made a list. Now I know there are people out there who have more knowledge and expertise than I do and I’d love them to correct me or...