Top 5 Posts of 2012

Before writing a review of 2012, which will take a bit of thought, I thought I would share the top 5 posts on this blog throughout the whole of 2012. What this top 5 does show is that all of these posts are over a year old (the BETT one is 4 days from its first...

My #ukedchat Annual Roundup

The last #ukedchat of my academic year is due to be hosted by…me! I say my academic year because many people have already broken up for summer but hey, some of us will plough on until the 27th (!!) of July. So, on Thrusday 21st July at 8pm, join me on Twitter to...

Looking back…(and forward a bit)

I wrote last year about my predictions and plans for 2010 and looking back, it seemed like I only planned for the first few months of the year! I talked about Bett, which is always a highlight, our Hampshire VLE conference and the need to look for another job. All...