by Ian Addison | Feb 10, 2011 | blogposts, General Thoughts
I’ve been thinking about ICT, it’s kinda what I do as ICT coordinator, but I’ve been thinking a bit bigger. I love the exciting projects such as green screening, rolling out Google Apps or testing QR codes, but I was wondering if there was something...
by Ian Addison | Dec 30, 2010 | blogposts, General Thoughts
I wrote last year about my predictions and plans for 2010 and looking back, it seemed like I only planned for the first few months of the year! I talked about Bett, which is always a highlight, our Hampshire VLE conference and the need to look for another job. All...
by Ian Addison | Aug 13, 2010 | blogposts, Useful Sites/Software
I wrote a couple of weeks ago about the launch of the Vital Primary ICT group. This can be found here: . The main aim of the group is to provide an area in which Primary ICT Coordinators can chat, learn and share resources and tips that will be useful to them in their...
by Ian Addison | Aug 6, 2010 | blogposts, Useful Sites/Software
This is the first time that someone else has shared an idea via my blog and it is great to see someone else willing to share ideas. This message comes from Nick Phillips and he originaly sent it to the ICT Primary mailing list here in Hampshire, with his permission, I...
by Ian Addison | Jul 26, 2010 | blogposts, ICT Co-ordinator Stuff
Over the last week, Colin Hill and I have been enrolled to manage a Primary ICT Coordinators Community within the website of Vital The idea of the community is to build a space where Primary ICT coordinators can share and discuss ideas, challenges, resources and...