Have you ever noticed that as ICT coordinator you are responsible for a million things around school? The VLE, blogs, website, microphones, cameras, laptops, photocopier(?) and oh yeah, the ICT curriculum. Regular readers will know I’m trying to improve ICT across the whole school and I want to remove some of these minor roles from my day-to-day life. So I’m going to give them to the children.

Kristian Still has a very successful Digital Leaders programme at Hamble College and after a brief chat with him last month (and Chris Mayoh and Dawn Hallybone) we thought about how this would look in primary. So after Christmas I will be inviting children to apply for the role within school, we will even be offering famed writing –civil engineering classwork help service for all people interested. The children will need to fill out a short online form asking why they should be considered and then I will choose and briefly interview them until I have my team. I envisage starting with about 6 children. I will obviously have overall responsibility for them, but I think that some children have shown huge potential and I want to tap into that. So, below I have listed the responsibilities they will have. Most of these will be infrequent or maybe weekly. Most they can do at home or in their lunchtime if they wish. The role is not compulsory and I might not get any applicants, but it will be interesting to see the response.

So what do you do in your school? Do you have a list of ‘silly’ jobs that the children could take over? Or better yet, new jobs that they could take responsibility for?

Digital Leaders will have the following responsibilities:


  • Uploading new photographs into each year group area of the website
  • Editing/adding to some areas of the website
  • Converting documents into Flash and embedding them within the website
  • Write blog posts for your class and comment on other blogs across the school
  • Reset/change password for children that have lost or forgotten theirs (Blogs, Purple Mash etc)
  • Helping staff to upload pictures/videos to their blog

ICT Clubs

  • Plan and lead ICT club at lunchtimes for 3/4 and 5/6 (1 day each)
  • Possibly lead an after-school ICT club


  • Change photographs on the TV screen in the reception
  • Turn on, and choose, a webcam to play in the hall during lunchtimes
  • At times, and with your class teacher’s permission, support teachers across the school when they teach ICT and use new hardware or software
  • Organise competitions e.g. a drawing competition in Purple Mash
  • Possibly attend events and other schools to share ICT learning
  • Attend after-school training for staff and parents – with your parents’ permission of course!
  • Trialling new software as required

Mr Addison will:

  • Make sure you have enough training and accounts with a suitable level of responsibility to manage the tasks above
  • Provide you with software to trial so that you can use it as part of the ICT club