by Ian Addison | Apr 13, 2014 | blogposts, General Thoughts
At the end of March, I presented at the Derbyshire LA ICT/Computing Conference. I was running a workshop on the use of ICT within Literacy lessons and I thought that I should share the links to the resources that I talked about. There are some that have been around...
by Ian Addison | Dec 9, 2012 | blogposts, Curriculum
As I mentioned a few posts ago, I am having a bit of a focus on writing interesting sentences with my class. They are mixed Year 3/4 and of varying abilities as you would expect. I have been working on whiteboard work as a whole class looking at connectives and...
by Ian Addison | Nov 10, 2012 | blogposts, Curriculum
This week we were focussing on the book Where the Forest Meets the Sea and we were looking at expanding the simple sentences in the book into paragraphs. This included using our senses to think about what else was in the picture and how we could extend the text...
by Ian Addison | Nov 7, 2012 | blogposts, Curriculum
A little while ago I was talking to some people who had attended literacy training with Alan Peat (@alanpeat – and they mentioned his book “Writing Exciting Sentences” and being an area I was interested in, I bought the...
by Ian Addison | Jul 1, 2012 | blogposts, Useful Sites/Software
I had to write a quick post about a truly stunning website that launched recently. I was lucky enough to see it in the first few days of it being online and since then it has grown and grown. The site in question? The Literacy Shed. Now, literacy has always been...