by Ian Addison | Aug 31, 2019 | General Thoughts
You may not have heard of subitizing, I hadn’t until approximately 18months ago but bear with me for a few minutes and I’ll explain. There is a website by Susanna Wu that explains it in much more detail than I could and backs up why it is important, so...
by Ian Addison | Aug 26, 2019 | General Thoughts
There have been many discussions about the use of Times Table Rockstars online and I have often posted about how we use it in school. To save repeating myself, I thought I would write a blog post to share how I use TTRS. TTRS have not asked me to write this post, I...
by Ian Addison | Jun 4, 2016 | Useful Sites/Software
As many teachers will know, it is now a Year 4 expectation that children will know all of their times tables. This is obviously useful throughout the maths curriculum but I am not going to debate whether children should or shouldn’t learn them all. This post is...
by Ian Addison | Jun 5, 2013 | blogposts, Curriculum
I currently teach a fairly able Maths group, it’s mainly Year 4 with four Year 3 children in it too. We’ve worked very hard this year and made great progress but I wanted to explore with a few different challenges and projects as the year draws to a close....
by Ian Addison | Mar 17, 2012 | blogposts, General Thoughts
In our maths lessons we are trying to include more problem solving opportunities. The idea is having a range of one-off stand-alone lessons that can be done with mixed ability classes on any area of maths. Ideally starting with year 3-4 (7-9 year olds). This will also...