#BETT2011 – The aftermath…

Where to begin? It’s been a very busy few days indeed! I’ll start by saying that I am not going to compare the differences between Learning without Frontiers and Bett as they are two different shows and I was only at Bett. Bett is a sales exhibition. Some...

My Bett Presentations

Just in case you wanted to view a presentation that I gave at Bett, here are some links to resources that I used. Purple Mash for KS1 – Bett – Purple Mash (PPT) Teachmeet Takeover – Blogging and some other free tools such as Wordle, Animoto,...

Sharing ideas from Teachmeet

Just a short post after my previous efforts in the past few days. As you must all know, I am a massive fan of Teachmeets and they are a great way of sharing ideas. One problem though is that you get a lot of information thrown at you very quickly. Another is that they...