Education Blog Awards

I’d like to say thank you for all of the votes for my blog in both the ‘Teacher’s blog of the year’ and ‘Most Influential Blog of the Year’. Voting has now closed and this blog was outside of the top ten, but thank you for your...

Are you ready for seconds?

Are you prepared for a child blogging about your school? What if the Never Seconds blog had happened in your school. What would you have done? How would you have reacted? Would it have been able to happen at all? For those of you that have been under a rock for the...

Education Blog Awards 2012

It’s that time of year again when the best blogs are highlighted and celebrated. This started last year after a conversation with Chris Ratliffe (@chrisrat) amongst others and the fact that there didn’t seem to be a UK-based blogging award. So Chris and...

Child Blogs

Today seems to be a day for thinking towards the future… We’ve been blogging now for 18months and some children have asked about setting their own blogs up. Now we have class blogs and some children have access to write on these. We also have the...

Anti(cyber)-bullying week

During a discussion with Year 3/4 teachers last week, we were talking about anti-bullying week which happens every year. Now we are lucky enough not to have a bullying problem in our school and whether this is down to our children, our staff or our policies, I...