As you may have noticed, there are lots of hashtags circling around for the BETT Show.

We have the official one (#Bett_show) and lots of unofficial ones too including #bett12, #bett2012, #bett and #bettshow. If you look through the hashtags then there are obviously lots of companies promoting their stands and their products, so how can teachers share ideas with each other about what they’ve found without it getting lost amongst the promotional tweets? Simple, we make a teachers at Bett hashtag. It isn’t my idea, but as I seem to be organising silly things at Bett, I thought I’d share it with you.

The new hashtag for teachers at Bett is #tbett. It’s short, there’s no silly underscore and we can archive it for all the useful goodness we find this week.

Tony aka Grumbledook blogged about hashtags too here: