This page lists most of my blog posts in one place making it easier to find the relevant posts when you need them. Why not just let people browse through the categories? Sometimes people don’t know what they are looking for so having results in one place might help.
Under each heading, the articles are
The Role of the ICT Coordinator
Setting up Google Apps / GSuite
Presentations / Teachmeets / Conferences / BETT
Articles / Writing / Achievements
Curriculum / Planning
Taskmaster Day 2 – A list of activities that we will be carrying out on the second of our Taskmaster days
Taskmaster Day – A summary of our day completing challenges based on Taskmaster
Tickled Pink – Using the
Handwriting Lines – A post sharing our yellow highlighted lines
Exploring the UK – A quick post asking for people to send postcards for our topic at school
The Half-Way Point – An updated look at my classroom and some of the changes I have made
Scratch Planning in Easy Steps – Looking at a book to help with using Scratch
Getting on with it – Discussing my thoughts on planning a new curriculum for Year 4
Sentence of the week – Using different sentence types to improve writing
A Text-Based Curriculum – Looking at teaching using a curriculum based on books and videos
100 Word Challenge…Live! – Julia Skinner visited to show our children all about the 100 Word Challenge
A Tour of my Classroom – Looking at the displays around my new classroom
Diving into Games-Based Learning – A look at our use of Endless Ocean in the Wii
Share and Share Alike – A look at a maths project based
Westminster Forum – An Update – A look back at my presentation from the Westminster Forum and how it went.
KS 1/2 Computing – Have your say on the new curriculum for Key Stage 1 and 2 (and the responses)
ICT Curriculum and Assessment – ICT Planning and badges
Random Sentences – Using the Random Name Generator to improve literacy
Programming in the Classroom – Globo TV from Brazil came to look at a lesson on Scratch and discuss how we approach programming in our school (video link is included)
Writing Exciting Sentences – Using Alan Peat’s book to inspire Literacy
The ICT Planning Menu – Looking at the first version of the ICT Planning website. It has changed a few times since, but the principle has stayed the same – free ideas to use in the classroom.
Programming and Game Design – Some links and ideas to show how we use programming in Primary Schools (in 2011). This was collated for a presentation at Bletchley Park, more info is here.
ICT Plans – Looking at rising Stars’ Switched on ICT. A scheme of work for primary school ICT.
KS1 Planning: The Local Area – Looking at a few different ideas for learning about the local area with links to useful online tools too.
Let’s Make a Presentation – How do you teach presentation skills in your school?
Games and Stuff – I was training a school that had bought DSis, iPods and a Wii. What resources would be useful to them? This post has a number of links found via Twitter.
A New(er) ICT Curriculum – Looking ahead to plans for ICT at school.
Planning for the Future – Discussions about ICT planning in school.
Subitizing Resources – What is subitizing and how can it help with early Maths understanding?
Times Table Rockstars – An overview of what it is, what it does and how we use it in school
Year 4 Times Table Check – Analysing the pilot of the Y4 MTC and looking at the lessons that had been learnt
Addition in different ways – Looking at showing addition problems in a variety of different ways
The Bear and the Piano – Sharing planning for The Bear and The Piano by David Litchfield
Vocabulary Books – A look at the books we use to help develop the children’s vocabulary
Planning a Writing Task – Using a different planning format to get children thinking about their writing.
Hooking them in – Using word clouds to kickstart a reading discussion
ICT Curriculum and Assessment – ICT Planning and badges
Assessing ICT – An updated thought about the assessment of ICT
Thinking Out Loud – Assessing ICT – Looking at possible ways to assess ICT in school.
A Child Leaving my School Will… – When starting to plan ICT assessment, I decided to list the skills that I would
ICT Cluster – Assessment – Looking at some (now very old) assessment documents
Which Blog Plugins – An update to show which plugins I use for our school’s blogs
Introducing Class Blogs – How can you help staff to start blogging?
Tidying the Blog – A quick post about updating my blog and starting the Index page.
A VLE Alternative – Looking at some tools that could replace a VLE
A Blogging Update – Following the closure of Posterous, which tools would be suitable for blogging?
Adding Links in WordPress – I found a plug-in that adds a link to the navigation bar in WordPress
Education Blog Awards – Thank you for the nominations!
Are you Ready for Seconds? – Is your school ready if a child started blogging about school dinners? What would you do? How would you cope?
Child blogs – Thinking out loud about the best way to
Anti (Cyber) Bullying Week – Looking at leaving inappropriate comments on blogs and using this as a way of teaching e-safety.
A PTA Website – Launching the new website for our PTA, built in WordPress to enable easy editing and updating.
Which Plugins? – I am often asked which plugins we use on our school blogs to keep things ticking along, this post gives some information and it is updated when we add new ones.
A Useful Plugin for WordPress – A review of a tool that I found that helps to collate blog links into a sidebar on WordPress. This is a huge find and has saved me hours in manually adding links since.
Helping Out – Creating Under Ten Minutes to give teachers how-to guides for a range of software.
Even Bears Need a Holiday – Launching Class Pet Holidays – A travel agency for class bears, monkeys and any other pets they have – Unfortunately, this was turned off late in 2012 due to time commitments.
Under Ten Minutes – Launching the Under Ten Minutes website, a tool to share video help guides for software used in school.
Blogging with Children – I was asked to write an article for the Hampshire schools ICT Magazine
Bears That Travel… – Initial thoughts about the site that would later become Class Pet Holidays.
Letting the Children Loose – How to add multiple users to a WordPress blog.
Blogging Without Me – After just a few weeks of blogging, children were doing it without me around.
Blogging with the Whole School – A look back at how our blogging journey has begun at school.
Pets that Blog – Looking at the numerous schools that have a class pet that blogs.
Write Once, Post Many – How do you make sure your message is heard and seen by different audiences? I use Twitterfeed to post blog posts automatically to Twitter.
Blogging: A Quick Guide – A short guide for people new to blogging
Why Blog? – A quick look at some reasons for blogging
Social Media
Inspirational Pictures – Using a list of Twitter accounts to inspire writing
Twitter Lists – Using lists to
Class 8 Will be Tweeting – Giving details of my class Twitter account
Twitter Literacy (Twitteracy?) – Using Twitter to ask questions to traditional fairy tale characters. Also looks at what happens when asking people for ideas doesn’t work out…
Hashtag Craziness – A quick moan about the numerous hashtags for an event, this time Bett 2012 or BETTShow or Bett12 (This still wasn’t fixed for 2013!)
A Twitter Lesson – Using Twitter to generate questions about Greece for my class to research.
What are your targets? #ukedchat – Looking ahead to the #ukedchat session and asking what your targets would be.
My First Thoughts on Google+ – An initial reaction to using Google’s new tool.
The Whatever Daily is Out… – Looking at the websites that collate tweets and blog posts before automatically publishing it onto Twitter.
Facebook: The Primary Dilemma – Writing a short guide for our parents about the use of Facebook.
Engaging Parents – Looking back at (and ahead to) the #ukedchat discussion that I hosted this week.
PGCE Guide – Looking at the crowd-sourced guide for PGCEs but useful for anyone.
An idea that grew and grew – Using Delicious to collate useful websites and resources and then sharing these through an RSS reader.
Come and Have a #ukedchat – Talking about the launch of #ukedchat
CPD Provided by Twits – A post looking at the value behind joining and using Twitter to connect with other teachers
Useful Resources and Websites
Online Learning – During the current school closures, I thought it would be useful to share a list of online lessons
Spelling Shed – Setting Up – A blog post about creating users and getting started with Spelling Shed
Spelling Shed – Setting Activities – A blog post about assigning spellings to users on Spelling Shed
Sharing Photos – Smugmug – Looking at the use of Smugmug to share photos with parents.
Times Tables Rock! – A review of Times Table Rockstars
Sharing Links – Looking at Airhead to share websites with the children
Online field trips – A guest post about Tesco’s Eat Happy Project
Cloud Storage – Having another look at backing up files online
Sharing Pictures – How do you share pictures with parents?
100WC Questions – A few questions about the 100 Word Challenge
A bit of Hacking – Looking at using Hackasaurus to share learning
Streaming and Samba – Using Google+’s Hangouts to stream a music concert
Remixing Videos – Looking at Popcorn Maker to remix videos and add text and pop-ups.
News Reports – Using WeVideo to create a news report
My First Geocache – Detailing my first geocaching day out
Some Resources for a New Year – A review of 100 Word Challenge, Literacy Shed and Quad Blogging.
Horrible Histories – A link to a playlist comprising of Horrible History videos related to the Tudors.
Photos in School – Looking at Photo resizing tools
My First Scratch – An overview of my first lesson on using Scratch
Spending Time in the Shed – A review of the Literacy Shed website
Password Security – Teaching children about secure passwords
Fancy a Coffee? – Looking at a coffee shop simulator to help teach Maths and enterprise skills
Google Drive – A Few Thoughts – Looking at the release of Google Drive and what it might mean for my school
It’s a Puzzle – Announcing and Reviewing the new 7Puzzleblog website for maths challenges.
Screencasts – A look at how to use screencasting software, such as Screencast-o’
Can you trust Wikipedia? – An infographic looking at the reliability of Wikipedia
Pop-up storybooks – An update on using Zooburst including using the education features to create multiple accounts.
BrainPOP + Google Apps = Happiness – A short post talking about the link between Google Apps and Brain POP
A Little Christmas Smile – A post about a letter from an ex-pupil to BrainPOP telling them how much she enjoys using the software.
Pictographs and Pictograms – Looking at the free, online tool to create simple pictographs. These can be embedded too.
Embeddable Content – Looking at the number of tools that can now be embedded into blogs or websites
Dabbling with Sketch-up – A first look at using Sketch-up in the classroom.
Manga High – A bit of an overview – A catch-up with how
Mash + 2DIY = 3D Gaming – Looking at the new 3D game design tool from 2Simple.
An Overview of Voki Classroom – Looking at the first few weeks using Voki in the classroom using their educational features.
Thank You,
Free Software – A quick look at the Chrome web store. What are the useful apps
Manga High – A look at Manga High now that it is free to UK schools.
Junior – Does anyone use this? Is it useful? I think it is under-used in many schools.
I’m Very App-y – Looking at using
Greenscreening: the Conclusion – Looking back on our green-screening project to see what went wrong and the small highlights along the way.
Greenscreening: An Update – A short update on how our green-screening project was going.
Greenscreening: A Lesson in how to Fail – Looking at the very first green-screening lesson and how it went badly wrong.
Sharing Websites (Part 3) – Looking at sharing websites with children using 3x3Links.
So, So 2Simple – Looking at how easy it is to create and manage accounts using Purple Mash
The Red Fish – Using Poisson Rouge with younger children.
Sharing Websites (Part 2) – What is the first website that children see when they load the internet at school? Is it a link page that is easy to update?
Sharing Websites – What tools are available to share links with others?
Greenscreening: A Guest Post – Nick Phillips originally wrote an article about using green-screening in school, with his permission I have reproduced that article.
Houses and Homes – Using Google Maps and StreetView to look at different house types in KS1.
Wanna Share? – Launching the Shared Resources group on the Hampshire VLE
Where Are You? – A Google Map for people using Twitter. The idea
Pop-up Books with a Difference – Looking at the use of Zooburst to create pop-up
Creative Ideas for KS1 – Finding out that i-board was free. It still is now, but it’s much better with a subscription as you get more content.
Bringing the BBC into Your Classroom – Showing the BBC Class Clips, a huge library of clips to use within the class.
How I bullied (sorry, supported) a Headteacher into using Wordle – Looking at using Wordle for seeing the common words in a school SEF
A (Drop)box of Tricks – Discussing the use of Dropbox to store files
Stop, Collaborate and Listen – Looking at ways to share ideas with other schools
ICT Cluster – Spring Roundup pt2 – Looking at a few tools that we discussed as a local cluster of schools
ICT Cluster – Spring Roundup pt1 – A few tools that we shared as a local cluster of schools
My Favourite Finds at BETT – A look at a few useful tools I found at BETT 2010
Let me Map it our for you – Using a tool called MapAList to turn a list of postcodes into a Google Map with pins to mark positions. Very cool indeed.
My First Story with 2CASS – Looking at the new software from 2Simple
ICT Hardware – Chromebooks, Nexus 7, Android tablets
Mobile Devices – Part 3 – Our Setup – Looking at the basics we have put onto every tablet
Mobile Devices – Part 2 – Setting up Tablets – A post about actually setting up Android tablets and the settings we have used along the way.
Mobile Devices – Part 1 – Using Meraki – Using Meraki’s dashboard to manage our tablets.
Setting up Chromebooks – Part 2 – Applying settings via the Google Apps Dashboard
Setting up Chromebooks – Part 1 – Physically setting up the Chromebooks
ICT in my School – Part 2 – Buying Chromebooks
ICT in my School – Choosing a tablet – How do you decide which tablet device to go for?
A Chromebook Trial – A post about having a set of Chromebooks in school.
My week with the Nexus 7 – Playing with the Nexus 7 and comparing it to the Blackberry Playbook
Having a Play(book) – Looking at the first day or so with the Blackberry Playbook. How has it been used? What are the possibilities?
aye-pads, tablets
Useful Apps
Skitch – Looking at an app for annotating photos
Hi-Q Audio Recorder – Looking at an app used for recording children’s spoken
Google Drive – Using Google Drive to sync and share photos
WordPress – Using WordPress as a blogging tool
Digital Leaders
Hackasaurus – A video created by two of my Digital Leaders for a special #ukedchat
BETT Radio – At BETT 2012, my Digital Leaders were interviewed by Russell Prue for BETT radio. this post contains the link to the recording.
Digital Leader Badges – Showing the small collection of Digital Leader badges that BrainPOP Uk made especially for us
Fun at Your Fingertips – Showing the website that some of the children at school have created.
Digital Leaders mk2 – Relaunching the Digital Leader project in our school.
Digital Leaders: Two weeks in – Looking at the first few weeks of a new project and idea.
School Newsletter – Thinking about creating a school newsletter, later to be known as Fun at your Fingertips.
Primary Digital Leaders – Discussing some thoughts about a Digital Leader project in school
The Role of the ICT Coordinator
Making a “How Do I?” Page – A short guide showing how to help staff with small issues
Reporting problems using Google Forms – Using Google Forms to collect information e.g. technical issues or e-safety problems
Creating Usernames – An updated post about the painful task of creating usernames for online tools
ICT in my School – Choosing a tablet – How do you decide which tablet device to go for?
ICT in my School – Part 2 – Buying Chromebooks
ICT in my School – Part 1 – What did ICT look like at my school before we started improving it?
A Tender Process – Looking at the process of writing and trying to submit a tender to purchase ICT equipment
A VLE Alternative – Looking at some tools that could replace a VLE
Flexible Filtering -Giving details of the new tool available to Hampshire schools. We can now unblock websites!
To YouTube or not to YouTube? – Discussing whether or not to use YouTube as a video hosting tool instead of “safer” alternatives such as Vimeo or Viddler.
Online Tools – Looking at the range of online tools we use in the classroom and the annual hassle of creating accounts for them all.
An ICT Coordinator’s Guide – An idea that unfortunately has been delayed and put on the back-burner for a while. Would an ICT Coordinator guidebook be a good thing?
Internet Filtering – A look at the (brief) time when every school in Hampshire had Google Images and YouTube turned on.
Email for Children – A look at using email following on from an e-safety meeting with parents.
An ICT Policy – I asked many people on Twitter for examples and then used elements of these, plus much of my own work, to write an ICT policy. This includes passwords, backup and everything else too. This was updated early 2013.
Connecting to the Internet – Is using the LA-provided internet really the best value for money?
An Inset Morning – Looking back at an Inset training session for staff.
Helping Out – Creating Under Ten Minutes to give teachers how-to guides for a range of software.
Primary to Secondary – What sort of links should there be to aid transition and to build relationships?
The Cloud – My Vision – What should I be looking for when looking to work online?
No ID? No Prezi for you – Looking at the age restrictions in place on a number of online tools.
Copy and Paste – How much do you teach children about copyright in school?
Using Video – Looking at the options available for schools that can’t store video on YouTube.
Class Accounts – Discussing how to manage accounts
But They’re Only Year 1s – Looking at what younger children have achieved already in just a few days with the new equipment.
Action Plans: Where do you start? – Looking at how to start writing an ICT action plan. What needs to be included?
Google Apps or Live@Edu – As we move towards cloud learning, which solution should we go for?
What’s in a Website? – Before the guidelines listing what needed to be
Policies, AUPs
To VLE or not to VLE – Do you have a VLE? Should you?
What do you NEED in your school? Software – Looking at the software that would be very important within a primary school.
What do you NEED in your school? Hardware – Looking at the hardware that would be very important within a primary school.
Setting up Google Apps / GSuite
Google Classroom (2020) – A look at how to setup and use Google Classroom
Google Drive (2020) – A quick overview of Google Drive and the different tools
GSuite Settings (2020) – Looking at adding users and checking settings
Signing up to GSuite (2020) – A look at how to sign-up to GSuite
What is G-Suite? – An updated (2020) look at explaining the use of G-Suite/Google Apps
G-Suite – Internal Email – How to
Google Apps FAQs – A selection of Questions (and answers) about using Google Apps
(OLD 2013) Part 2 – Creating Users and Configuring Settings
(OLD 2013) Part 1 – Purchasing a domain, registering and upgrading to Education
OLD (2011) Setting Up Google Apps for Education – A guide to setting it up and getting started. This was written in 2011 and many elements have now changed. The newer guide is above.
Using Google Apps / GSuite
A VLE Alternative – Looking at some tools that could replace a VLE
Google Docs for Shared Writing – Using a picture book and a Google Presentation
Google Apps Webinar – An intro to Google Apps recorded for Vital. the webinar can be replayed using the link on-screen
What is Google Apps? – Advertising the upcoming webinar to demonstrate what Google Apps can do – also includes a link
BrainPOP + Google Apps = Happiness – A short post talking about the link between Google Apps and Brain POP
Feeling Disappointed – My (initial) reactions to the updates of Google Presentations that include the ability to add transitions and animations just like PowerPoint.
Updating Google Apps – Google Apps just updates, there’s no downtime and it all just seems to work
Another Week, Another Challenge – Using Google Sites in the classroom for the first time and discussing the problems and opportunities it presents.
Google Apps Week 2 – Looking at using email with the children for the first time.
Google Apps Week 1 – What has happened in the first week with Google Apps in school?
Reporting Problems – Using Google Forms to report problems across the school.
Let me ask you a Question – Discussing the use of Google Forms for surveys
Presentations / Teachmeets / Conferences / BETT
#tmtakeover2015 at BETT 2015 – Announcing details for the next Teachmeet Takeover
Literacy and ICT – Looking at resources shared at the Derbyshire ICT Conference
#tmtakeover at BETT 2014 – Announcing details for the upcoming Teachmeet Takeover
Messing about with Photos – My presentation from #tmpompey September 2013
Autumn CPD – Looking at the events coming up in the Autumn term
BETT 2013 Plans – My agenda for BETT 2013
Presentations at BETT – Sharing the times I will be presenting at BETT
BETT for Beginners 2013 – An updated post giving hints and tips
#tmtakeover and #kidsmeettakeover are Live! – Announcing details of Takeover events at BETT 2013
Spreading the Word – Looking at ways of marketing a Teachmeet
#tmhants – Titchfield – Announcing details of the next #tmhants
TMPompey – Announcing details of TMPompey
Learning Without Frontiers 2012 – A review of my visit to Learning Without Frontiers, including the award ceremony
The VLE is Dead! – Gauging opinions before my appearance at LWF2012
Other BETT Goodness aka BETT Part 2 – A look back at BETT 2012. This post is about my visit on
BETT Day 1 – A review of the Wednesday of BETT 2012 with the Digital Leaders
Google Academy Returns! – Advertising the 2012 Google Teacher Academy in London. This year I was not only
BETT for Beginners 2012 – A guide to attending BETT if you haven’t been before.
Teachmeet at BETT – Announcing details for the Teachmeet at BETT2012
Teachmeet Takeover at BETT 2012 – Announcing details of the upcoming event.
Are you going to BETT? – The annual survey asking who is going, and when, to allow people to arrange meetings with each other.
tmhants@Priory – Looking back at the intimate Teachmeet hosted by David Rogers.
Going to Newcastle – A review of my time at the Northern Grid Conference 2011.
Northern Grid Conference – Sharing my presentation from the 2011 event.
#tmclevedon – Two video presentations for Teachmeet Clevedon. These presentations cover 7 ideas in 7 minutes and there is a short presentation about infant encyclopedia and i-board.
Teachmeet Hants – Launching the new Teachmeet Hampshire website.
#tmm11 – A video presentation made for Teachmeet Midlands looking at 7 different tools in 7 minutes.
Teachmeet and the TES – After a quick discussion with the TES, they have agreed to share and
An Exciting Place to be! – Looking ahead to the upcoming Northern Grid Conference.
BETT 2011: The Aftermath – A review of BETT 2011
Teachmeet BETT2011 – Announcing the sign-up for the Teachmeet at BETT.
Sharing Ideas from Teachmeets – We looked at setting up a blog to collaborate the various ideas from Teachmeets around the country.
Going Underground at BETT – Looking ahead to the “underground” events at BETT 2011.
#tmbev – Looking back at the Teachmeet held by Bev Evans – includes video links too.
Google Teacher Academy pt2 – Looking ahead to the Google Academy 2010
Innie or Outie? #tmfishbowl – Looking back at a Teachmeet with a difference.
How do you take the hat off a Koala? – A video for Teachmeet East showing the use of Voki
Google Teacher Academy – Looking at the process of making my application video for the Academy.
#tmhants – The Feedback – Looking at some of the responses to the first Teachmeet held in Hampshire.
Teachmeet – The Future – What is the future of Teachmeet? Should it change?
#tmhants – The Aftermath pt2 – Looking at the presentations from the first Teachmeet Hampshire.
#tmhants – The Aftermath pt1 – Looking at the experience of hosting a large Teachmeet
#tmhants – The Night Before – Some things we were doing just 1 day before our first Teachmeet!
#tmhants – 3 Days to Go – Looking at the
Back to Uni – Writing about my visit back to University to present in front of trainee teachers
Teachmeet Hampshire – Announcing the first Teachmeet Hampshire!
My Feelings after BETT2010 – A look back at the whirlwind that is the BETT show
BETT on Thursday – Looking at BETT2010
Articles / Writing / Achievements
Essential CPD – Linking to the online course I created for Rising Stars
Essentials ICT – Linking to the Rising Stars Website for my book “Essentials: ICT”
A Little Project – Announcing that “Essentials: ICT” is about to be launched
Programming in the Classroom – Globo TV from Brazil came to look at a lesson on Scratch and discuss how we approach programming in our school (video link is included)
Gobsmacked – A quick thank you and a look at the other people nominated for the 2012 Learning
Certified (Part 2) – Announcing that I am now a 2Simple trainer and can officially help schools with using 2Simple software including 2DIY and Purple Mash.
Certified (Part 1) – Giving details about my Google Certified Trainer status.
BBC Click (After) – A post about my school’s appearance on BBC Click. They came in to discuss programming in the classroom. (Video link is included)
BBC Click (Before) – A post about BBC Click written after we had been filmed, but before it went out on air.
BETT for Beginners 2011 – A guide to visiting BETT.
Opinions and Reflections
My Top Picture Books of 2019 – A look at my top books from the past year
516 is a lot – My first blog post in 516 days
Is this still on? – My first blog post in 18 months
Inspiration – What inspires me now
What Inspired Me? – A post about inspiration for the SHINE charity
Looking back at 2013 #nurture1314 – What happened in 2013?
Moving On – Looking at leaving St John’s and joining Riders Junior
The Ideas Porcupine – Borrowing ideas from others
My Review of 2012 – Looking back at my achievements in 2012
Top 5 Posts of 2012 – A quick look at the 5 most-visited pages on this blog in 2012
Looking Ahead to 2012 – A look forward into 2012 to see what is coming up. Some of that did happen, some have taken a bit longer to come to fruition!
My Review of 2011 – Looking back at the previous year.
Rate My School – Looking at Ofsted’s website that gives parents the chance to leave comments about their child’s school.
How not to run a competition – A blog post looking at a competition aimed at schools yet with an over-18 limit, plus the need to register a phone number to vote.
To Be Free or Not To Be Free? – Should there be videos for paid-for products on Under Ten Minutes? Or should it just be for free software?
Looking Ahead to 2011 – What is coming up in the year ahead?
Looking back (and forward a bit) – Reviewing 2010.
An end-of-term video – Are you allowed to show PG films to children?
Is School Closed? – Looking at what schools do to inform parents of school closures.
My First Month – Reviewing my first month back in school.
My First Week – Reviewing my first week at St John’s
A Holiday Recap – Looking back at the targets I had set between leaving my consultancy role and starting at a new school.
#gtauk – Reflecting on my visit to the Google Teacher Academy
Holidays are Coming – Looking ahead to the summer holidays and the projects that I have planned.
A little smile – Hearing about the great impact of the VLE in some Hampshire schools.
Chicken or Egg? – Where do you start with technology? With the hardware/software or with the outcome. What do you want to achieve?
Who Do I Hate the Least? – Looking at the 2010 election and the differing opinions of the people that wanted to run our schools.
Would You Employ Me? – Using Wordle to see the common words within my supporting statement for a job application
School’s Closed, but has the Learning Stopped? – What happens when the snow closes your school?
Looking Ahead to 2010 – What is coming up in the year ahead?
My 2009 – Reviewing what has happened in 2009
Information Dilemma – Looking at the best way of sharing ideas and information with my local ICT cluster
My First Post – Introducing my new blog
Other Stuff
Creating a Musical Video – How we made our compilation musical video
Reading Books Online – A look at the sharing stories online with parents
Reviewing Targets – Looking back at running targets from 2018
Target Setting – Looking at setting targets for my upcoming races
Feeling Charitable – Looking at how Kiva is a different way of lending money
Train Fares – Looking at the Group Save option when
Cashback Sites – Following on from a tweet I sent, people asked what I meant about getting cash-back online, This post looks at using Quidco to save and earn money.
Run, Ian, Run – Looking at the app that I use to monitor my running, Cardio Trainer.
My New Home – Buying a domain for my blog