Tomorrow I’m off to a school that has some DSis, Wiis and Ipod touches to do a bit of staff training. Now normally when I’m training people or presenting I am doing it because I know the subject matter inside out and I don’t need to prepare too much. This is different. I know gaming is important and new and exciting etc, but it’s not something I’ve been involved in apart from seeing great blog posts from the likes of @dawnhallybone, @tombarrett and @primarypete_ So for this training session I needed to start researching and go through all possible information, including Butterfly Bingo overview, etc.
The best thing about not knowing much about what is possible means I can start with the learning. I always do anyway, but I will HAVE to this time. We can discuss what the school wants to achieve, then use the resources below to pick and choose some great ideas. All of the links below came from people in my Twitter network and I apologise but I forgot to write down who gave what. Sorry!
So below are the list of resources I was sent, I thought it only fair that I shared them in case people want to use them later on.
Useful Blog Posts:
Here are some great examples of blog posts by people or groups that are heavily involved with games-based learning including @tombarrett, @dawnhallybone, Louise Duncan, Lilian Soon, Consolarium, LTS, Redbridge Games Network, Little Harrowden and Phoenix Education
Interesting Ways:
These amazing resources were started by @tombarrett on his website but can also be found on @markw29’s site, below.
Interesting Ways to use an Ipod Touch
Useful Apps:
Teach with your ipad (most apps will have ipod equivalent)
Top 10 apps for using in Maths
Spreadsheet of apps by subject area
Other: videos from Games-Based learning 2009
Edjournal – Going on Safari
@dawnhallybone’s Slideshare from GBL2009
@primarypete_’s CiWii – Curriculum ideas for using the Wii
Benefits of using an ipod touch in the classroom
Oh and if anyone knows where the apostrophes go…let me know! Is it DSs or DS’s?
This all looks foreign to me! I’m going to have to do some research I think!! Will start with this excellent list!