Here I am, in my new home. I know my old blog was fairly new and only been there for a few months, but it has moved. Why move? Well a number of reasons really. My Hampshire contract is due to run out in July and with it, will go my county email address. This has been the email I have used for everything work/school related for nearly two years. In September, I assume I will get yet another new email for whichever school I end up in.

Therefore I wanted an email I could use regardless of my role or where I end up. I tried Google and all variants of my name were taken, probably serves me right for being the last person alive to sign up to Googlemail! So I decided to buy the domain and use the email address that came with it instead. Once I had the domain, it just seemed to make sense to move my blog across as well. I’ve spent a bit of time over the past couple of weeks finding a decent theme, but I think I’m now happy!
So, thanks for reading this and if you have any comments on the layout of the blog, please let me know!