It’s snowing. You may have noticed. All across the country schools are closed and teachers are going to enjoy a day off. But how does your school inform the parents?

Many schools this morning had trouble getting to the LA website for school closures as it was creaking under the demand. I did tweet about the issue the Hampshire website was facing and to give him credit, as always, @dfearnley was quick to say it was being looked into. We have 500+ schools so listening out for them all on the radio surely isn’t an option? So why aren’t more schools stepping up and taking responsibility? I wouldn’t even consider the LA noticeboard an option.

For us, it is all about our school website. This is where we direct parents to for information all year round, so why not now when it is snowing? Within 1minute of ‘the phonecall’ this morning, we had a page on our website full of snowy activities and information. Our parents also received a text message and email via Parent Mail.

So why doesn’t everyone do this? One thing that shocks me is that so few schools are able to update their own website. I spoke to a school yesterday that have to phone a technician to get it updated, that is ridiculous! Surely when you have a website/VLE or whatever, you need to make sure someone (everyone?) knows how to update it.

Who should be guiding these schools about their school websites? Is it the LA or the website company? Does anyone guide them at all? Why are they not manageable? Come on…have a look at your school and your website. Does it deliver for your parents when it really matters?