Do you send any surveys out to parents? children? governors? staff? How do you it? On paper or online?

As part of our VLE training we show Google Forms. These are a fab way of asking questions and collating answers together, the best thing being that the data analysis is done in seconds. So how do you do it? Go to and then Create a new form. Type in your questions, drag them around if they need re-ordering and pick a theme. Once you’ve done all of this, embed it in your website, blog or VLE. Going back to the document, and clicking ‘Form’ will bring up results and let you make changes. If you’re stuck, visit for videos to help you out.

So what sort of things have people used it for?

  • Topic Evaluations – How did our topic go? What would you improve etc
  • Internet Access Survey – Do you have computers at home etc
  • PE Survey – Each year your school fill out a PESSCL survey for Activemark
  • Self-Evaluation – Ask the children how they think their learning has gone
  • Induction into Year R/3 – for parents
  • Training Evaluation – What training do the teachers require?
  • Course Feedback

Set it to notify you when it is completed and use it to report problems to your ICT technician. Log calls with them so they know what to expect when they next visit, saves looking in a book when they arrive.

At the bottom of your survey, there’s a URL, why not use and shorten the address to a few characters so it will fit on a text message to parents or newsletter?

Do you have any other ideas? How have you used surveys or questionnaires?